Why We Do It?
We’re here at Meadowbrook all year long planning and preparing for the Summer because our goal is to make a positive difference in the lives of our Campers and their families.
How We Do It?
Our Meadowbrook Program is focused primarily on helping our Campers learn and practice valuable life skills. These include independence, resilience, perseverance, goal-setting, responsible risk-taking, making friends, sportsmanship, creative problem solving and so many more. These are skills that our Campers will develop during their Summers at Meadowbrook and take with them throughout their lives, and they are proven life skills that lead to a happier, more successful and fulfilled future.
What We Do?
It isn’t about the facility - - pools, challenge course, fields, specialty areas or the lake. It’s about the people who create the experience for our Campers. We have a large Leadership Team made up of mature professionals who work with children all year long. All of the Division Heads are parents themselves so they connect with their Campers and communicate with our families from a parent perspective with a unique level of understanding and empathy. Our Specialty Staff are all highly skilled and trained in their specific activity areas, and they create age and developmentally appropriate curriculum whether it’s at a creative area, a nature area, on an age-appropriate size field/court or anyplace at Camp. Our Group Counselors are hired and trained with a clear understanding that they are role models and mentors for our Campers. They recognize that part of their responsibility is to consistently set an example of our core TIGER (Teamwork, Integrity, Generosity, Enthusiasm, Respect) values for our Campers. The overall “personality” of Meadowbrook sparks from the passion that every member of our tremendous staff team has for Camp. This passion shines through in the way we invest in our program and facility to keep it fresh and exciting as well as when you see and feel the spirit and enthusiasm that surrounds us at Camp all Summer long!