At Meadowbrook, we specialize in giving first-time Campers an extraordinary experience. Over 80% of our first-time Campers return each year. Whether this is your child’s first Camp experience, you have recently moved to our area, or you are looking for a more robust day camp experience including an alternative to sleep-away camp, Meadowbrook’s unique philosophy and approach will make your child’s experience outstanding!
Like all of our Meadowbrook Campers, our first-time Campers benefit from:
- Open lines of communication between parents and the Owners/Directors and Leadership Team Members
- Pre-camp Parent/Camper orientations
- Visits from Bus Driver/Bus Counselors prior to the first day of Camp
- Large number of Division Heads handling a small number of Campers/Groups. All “DH’s” are mature adults as well as experienced parents with children of their own
- Mature, experienced staff including Moms with children of their own as Group Leaders for all entering Pre-K and Kindergarten Tiny Toons Groups
- Intentional focus on integrating new Campers and forming friendships from the beginning of the MCDC experience